First Baptist is committed to ministering to children, ages birth through 6th grade, and their parents.
Here at First Baptist we strive to come alongside families in their efforts to train their children to become all God wants them to be. We strive to be a fun, welcoming place where children feel safe and loved, earning us the privilege of their trust, so that we may share God's Word which is able to give them the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. (2 Timothy 3:14-17, Deuteronomy 6:7)
Sundays at First
First Baptist provides a safe and enjoyable environment for children while their parents participate in ministry activities. Childcare is available for newborns to Pre-K for most services on Sundays and Wednesdays (and sometimes older children depending on the activities). Children are accepted into their classrooms 15 minutes before each activity and should be picked up promptly after the activity is over.
Kids Church
Sunday mornings we offer Kids Church for PreK through 4th grade in the MPR starting at 10:30am during the morning worship service. In Kids Church your kids will experience worship and learn songs similar to VBS music. Engage in bible stories and fun activities.
Newborn - Three Year Old
We have a desire that even our youngest children know who Jesus is and His love for them. We want our rooms to have a loving and gentle approach in teaching. As you worship, rest assured that we are taking every step possible to provide a safe and caring environment for your child. Nursery childcare is offered during all Sunday morning and Wednesday evening services.
Preschool - 4th Grade
Preschool through 4th grade children can attend Sunday School beginning at 9:00am. Adults need to pick up their PreK - 2nd Grade children promptly after Sunday School. We have two options for the worship hour: Kids Church starting in the MPR at 10:30am then moving to bible story groups or staying in "Big Church" with the adults.
5th & 6th Grade
5th and 6th grade can attend Sunday School beginning at 9:00am upstairs with teachers Rachel and Jeremy Watters. Sunday School ends at 10:00am. Donuts, milk, and juice is available at 10:00am in the MPR. Worship starts at 10:30am.
Wednesday Nights at First
TeamKID is a fun, high-energy ministry that encourages kids to know Jesus Christ and grow in a relationship with Him. All parts of TeamKID-Bible stories, Scripture memory, life application, missions, and recreation-connect to teach life lessons to kids.
TeamKID meets from 6:00 - 7:00pm during the school year.
Families are invited to join us for dinners at 5:30pm.
TeamKID meets from 6:00 - 7:00pm during the school year.
Families are invited to join us for dinners at 5:30pm.