Go therefore and make disciples of all nations. Matthew 28.19
Our Missionaries
November Highlights:
By God's grace:
Ways you can pray:
- As we enter the end of 2024, we also enter the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering season. We are so grateful for each of you who give toward LMCO each year! We are able to serve overseas because of you! Please consider giving to LMCO again this year, so you can be guaranteed that 100% of your gift will go directly to the mission field!
- We spoke, shared, and/or preached at SonRise Baptist Church in Chickasha, OK, Trinity Baptist Church in Ardmore, OK, Oklahoma Baptists Convention in Moore, OK, Evergreen Baptist Church in Bixby, OK, and Arrow Heights Baptist Church in Broken Arrow, OK. Praise God for all these opportunities to share about Malawi and Missions with the IMB! We are so grateful for each of these opportunities!
- Chris and Jamie participated in the Route 66 Tulsa Marathon! Whew!
- The Front Porch Bible Study still carries on each week while we're away! We praise God for our dear friend and co-worker, Timothy, as he faithfully continues to lead this group of disciples in the study of God's Word!
- We built and stuffed a small wooden crate to ship some heavy things back to Malawi! It will hopefully arrive a couple months after we do!
- We enjoyed some wonderful time with family at different holiday events and family gatherings this month! We praise God for these opportunities that we treasure so much!
- The kids and Jamie continued with homeschool, and the younger 3 wrapped up their term with Tulsa Swim club. They're looking forward to swimming in Malawi again soon!
- Chris finished chapter 2 out of 5 for his dissertation! "Thank you," to all of you, who continue to ask how he's doing and encourage him to press on during this writing phase!
- Jon Brody finished his first semester at Boyce and made it back to Oklahoma just in time for Thanksgiving!
By God's grace:
- Our national partner and friend, Timothy, will continue hosting our weekly front porch Bible studies. We have heard weekly reports from him sharing about how God is continuing to use this Bible study to disciple believers and draw the lost to salvation.
- We will continue sharing and speaking with several churches around Oklahoma.
- The kids and Jamie will wrap up the first semester of homeschool and pack our school things for Malawi.
- We will celebrate some early Christmas get togethers with family and prepare to return to Malawi at the end of this month!
Ways you can pray:
- Join us in praising God for the encouragement we've received from believers all over the country as we've shared over the last few months! Praise Him also for the safety and provision He has provided during all of our travel!
- Please pray for our residency permit application to be submitted ASAP, so we can get our return tickets booked back to Malawi!!!
- Pray that the Lord would continue working in the hearts of the lost in Malawi and those with whom we have opportunity to share while here in the U.S.
- Pray that God would continue to work in our disciples' hearts and those we're intentionally discipling.
- Pray that we would remember our primary objective as Christ followers is to be with Him!